Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How Quickly Things Can Change

My goodness, how quickly things can change! We spent the weekend in Paris seeing things we have only read about, architecture so beauitful it just leaves your mouth hanging open. More about that later, on Sunday morning Bubba, my husband, gets up with a nose bleed that last 4 hours. He has these on occasion but can usually get them under control in an hour or so, this one is bad. It finally does stop and he wants to continue sightseeing in Paris. Through out the day it bleeds off and on, not out his nose but down his throat but he will not give in and leave. He is determined to show me Paris and so he does. We naturally stayed later than we should have before starting back to Antwerp but what else would you do in Paris?

The drive back was uneventful and we arrived at the hotel around 1am, you can say we were exhausted and went straight to bed. I am awaken about 4am with Bubba jumping out of the bed and running to the bathroom. He is bleeding very badly again and we can't get it to stop so the hotel calls for a taxi and we are off to the emergency room in a foreign country. They get it to stop and we go back to the hotel to rest, it begins again and we are back at the hospital. They have admitted him and he will stay again tonight, the bleeding has slowed but not stopped. It was crazy yesterday and I had several melt downs and cried in front of who ever was standing there.

I didn't want to go back to the hotel by myself last night but it is not allowed for you to stay with your loved ones in the hospital here. So I had no choice but God had some schooling for me while I was alone. This is what I learned or at least was reminded of.

The same God that is always with me at home came with me to Belgium, as a matter of fact He was already here. It was His plan that I come to begin with to be with Bubba when this happened, Paris and all the other awesome stuff are the good that God brings out of bad situations when we belong to Him. He is taking care of every need for Bubba and myself in magnificent style, the Hilton Hotel are treating us like family and Capsugel  has sent us a helper and are keeping tabs. So I need to dry my tears and start acting like someone who knows the God of the universe loves her and will take care of her. I am so thankful He understands about women and tears though, oh yea He made us! So today I am in Belgium and Bubba is in the hospital and God is in control! My how quickly things can change!

1 comment:

  1. Holy Cow, Margie Culberson - I am SO SORRY to hear this news!! But I'm so GLAD to hear that you have bucked up, put your big girl pants on, and are DEALING with it instead of letting it deal with YOU :)

    You are stronger than you realize, and this is just a really creative way for God to show you that. And YES, He IS the same God all over the place, so remember that and hang in there! Have a good cry when you need to, then blow your nose and get back after it. There are a bunch of people who love you and who are praying for you! Just think of all the things you can write about after this!

    And we're praying for Bubba too. Bless his heart for wanting to show the the City of Lights, but time for him to rest and get that under control before it's time to go home. Keep us posted!!
