Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Son At War: Part Three - From A Brother's Heart

The time is at hand and Garrett is on his way across the ocean where his life will be threatened for the next year. We stay near the phone and computer waiting for any news along the way, I am thankful for technology like never before. Graham hasn't had alot to say during this whole process and I have to admit it was bothering me. Did it not matter to him at all what his little brother was heading for? The following letter Graham wrote on his blog the night Garrett left tells it all. As I read it chills ran over me and my heart was filled to bursting. I hope it touches you too.

Aug 7, 2010   //   by Graham   //   BlogLife  //  No Comments
Dear Enemies of our Country, Living in the Desert,

Consider yourself warned. In a matter of hours, a plane will land delivering hundreds of brave, courageous men and women. Among them, you’ll find one smaller and younger than most. Be careful not to judge what your brain interprets through your senses. What you won’t see by his outer appearance is what you should fear most. Beneath the tree-like exterior and metal chest protector lies the most offensive weapon to your mission. His heart. You may think it’s mere tissue and fluid, but trust me, there you will find the courage to stand face to face with this challenge, the endurance to bear your hatred, the determination to end such threats to our way of life, the confidence to know he is well-trained and well-prepared, and most importantly, the unfailing love for a family he leaves behind that drives him to bring this fear to your door.

Consider yourself warned. He and his companions have taken an oath to never accept defeat and to never quit. I agree, along with every kindergarten student in our great land, that “sticks and stones can break bones, but words can never hurt you.” But it is not these words you should find frightening. It is the hero who utters them.

Consider yourself warned. If these are not reason enough, I share the most horrific in my conclusion. He has and is being prayed for by numerous believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. And as a follower of the Messiah, he carries with him a power far greater than any weapon your hands can craft. Nestled beneath his armor and flowing through his veins is the assurance that the God that allows you to taste the air He provides will see Him through these trials. The God that created this universe by the commands of His voice will one day destroy all enemies of His kingdom. Even if He allows defeat in this battle, take heart that the last laugh is already had.

Consider yourself warned. You will soon witness a force that you have yet to face. I write to you proudly and with great confidence in my words. I say again, consider yourself warned.

Graham Culbertson, Brother

To read more from Graham go to www.


  1. This is one of the sweetest things I've ever read. How precious, and how spiritually astute he is to have processed that experience the way he did.

    I know you're very proud, and you have every reason to be. You're a GREAT mom!
    Love you :)
