Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Son At War:#5-

I've got to get a handle on this. I turn the computer on first thing in the morning and check for word through e-mail and see if he's on facebook or skype. There is 6 to 7 hours difference between us depending on what Daylight Savings time is and I'm wondering what his night was like and his day. They are under orders not to reveal  to people back home when there have been attacks but like every where else there are leaks.

I try to go about my day, carrying my computer with me from room to room as I clean so I wont miss him. I hate to go anywhere for fear of missing him but I realize I cannot become a hermit for the next year. I know when he gets into a routine we will find our own routine for communication.

When we skype the connection is not usually good, the picture is not clear, the sound is not good and the call drops frequently. It's very frustrating, especially when you know our soldiers who are providing communication, are charged eighty something dollars a month for Internet. Even with all that, I am thankful to be able to see his face, kind of and hear his voice, most of the time.

How ever we choose to communicate, letters, e-mail, phone calls, skype, texting or face to face. When communication stops the relationship breaks down. How do we think God feels when we go through out our day and won't take time to talk to Him? How would you feel if your child got up in the morning and left the house without speaking to you?How would He feel if we were desperately waiting on a word from Him like I did from Garrett? His word ( Bible ) is available to us, we just must chose to sit down with it and give Him our attention, He is waiting to speak to us through prayer. There is no relationship more important than the one we have with the living God, He has already given His life for us and has risen to new life that awaits all those who belong to Him.

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