Thursday, December 1, 2011

A son At War: part four- Waiting For News

It's very early in the morning, Bubba and I are awaken from a sound sleep by the ringing of the phone. We both are throwing off the cover and out of the bed in one motion, racing for the phone. It must be Garrett, thank goodness we weren't going for the same phone, it could have been disastrous. It is Garrett and the sound of his voice is music to our ears. Over the next year our lives will revolve around the phone and computer for e-mails, instant messaging, facebook and skype. Waiting to hear his voice and see his face, even if it's fuzzy . Just to know for now he's okay.

It is not lost to me the sacrifice of those who have gone before us. The days when all they had to look forward to was a hand written letter and by the time it arrived their soldier's situation would have changed many times. The worry with nothing to comfort them but their faith. The same faith that will get me through this year. I have it so much better and so does my soldier. He can let me know something he's longing for from home and I can have it to him in a week or so.

We are thankful for technology but more than that we are thankful for our God. The God of yesterday and of tomorrow. The God who will spend everyday with my son in that war zone and who in the midst of it all will show him amazing things. In this and this alone I have peace.

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine being separated from my kids and not being able to talk with them. But I really can't imaging not being able to talk to God. He is the only One Who is always available :)
