Thursday, October 6, 2011

What happened to Steve Jobs?

 I am listening to all the tributes on TV for Steve Jobs. By the worlds standards he had it all, fame, fortune and yes he made great contributions in technology. I didn't know him personally, maybe he was a good man in his personal life but one thing I do know. He met the living God face to face on the day he died. If he didn't know it before he knows it now, no matter what your accomplishments are here on earth, if you missed a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, you missed the most important thing. If he wasn't a child of the risen savior all his money didn't help him. All his fame didn't help him, all the technology he developed didn't help him. If he could come back and give one more message it wouldn't be about computers or phones. It would be about knowing Jesus as your Savior. 

1 comment:

  1. Only one life
    will soon be past
    Only what's done
    for God will last

